This is what I've been working on. It maybe small but it has a lot of detail which took me longer than I thought it would. I think that it turned out better than I thought that it would. I am not used to working in ink so I am pretty happy with it.
Here is one of the hands that I drew for practice. I was drawing from a wooden hand so a lot of it I had to make up. I think it looks pretty good, like I drew it from life. I should keep practicing though because I can see some mistakes.
My dog, Little Bit, sat so perfectly still for her portrait. She is a funny dog, whenever she wants something she likes to sit in front of me and stare. It really can get quite annoying sometimes. This time I said to myself, " what the heck, why not sketch her portrait since she wants to do a staring contest." So here she is, my wonderful annoying doggy:-) I am not used to doing portraits of dogs; I usually just stick with people but I think it came out pretty decent.
My neice was a strange one. Whether she just got up in the morning or she had been playing for hours, she seems to always have only one sock on. This is when she was watching cartoons one early morn.
I did a sketch of my nephew William while the kids were here for the holidays. This is pretty much the only time he would sit still long enough to start a sketch-while he was sleeping.
Hi Everyone! Over the holidays I was baking tons of cookies because my sister and her kids came home to visit. Here are just some of the cookies that my sister and I baked. My family and I decorated them together. It was loads of fun. Even my dad got in on it. If you look real close on the right there is a Mario sugar cookie that my dad decorated:) Hope you all had wonderful holidays!